Grant Assistance
Louisiana Workforce Commission Incumbent Worker Training Program
With the ever-changing landscape of the workforce, companies must ensure that employees are continually learning and growing. Not only does this help retain top talent, but it also boosts morale, builds relationships, and increases engagement and personal satisfaction. You know your company could benefit from training, but it can be tough to find room in the budget. And who has the time to manage all of your employees' needs and schedules?
What if we told you that you could qualify for FREE or reimbursable training, with a team dedicated to managing your company's needs? Enter LANTEC! We are a Louisiana Workforce Commission-approved provider of Incumbent Worker Training Program grants. Our in-house Grants Team ensures your company is in the best position to receive an award of funding. LANTEC has secured over TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS in workforce development training funds for eligible Louisiana employers since 2008 — AND has more applications approved for the SBET program than any other training provider in the state of Louisiana!
Let us start your application today!
- Dr. Mechelle Roberthon, VP & Director of Talent Development, Home Bank
"This last quarter was really great for us training wise. We had a lot of training to schedule and deploy, and Courtney and Brad were extremely helpful in helping us accomplish this. Our staff really enjoyed the in-person sessions we did at our office, and the whole process was made easy with Lantec’s help. Additionally, we were able to get last-minute grant revisions approved very quickly. This really helped us gain access to beneficial training we hadn’t anticipated our employees would need or want to attend."- Blake Haynie, Human Resources Manager, Bossier Federal Credit Union
Customized Training
Eligibility criteria for the Customized program include:
• Business must be Louisiana-based
• Business must have at least 3 years of paying UI tax
• Employer must have at least 15 employees to train
What LANTEC will do:
• Collect required submission documents and guide
you through every step of the grant application process
• Work with you to develop a customized training plan
• Write and submit the grant application with proven suggestions to ensure your grant is competitive
• Administer the grant once it is approved
LANTEC has a VERY high success rate and has administrated over 200 approved customized grants since we became a primary training provider for the program in 2008.
Small Business Employee Training
This option may be right for you if your business:
• Has 50 or fewer employees
• Is Louisiana-based
• Has been operating for 3 or more years
• Has contributed to and is compliant with state UI tax laws
This program is designed to benefit small Louisiana businesses by developing and upgrading their skills through standardized training. Through the SBET grant, training is reimbursable for up to $3,000 per employee per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Funding comes from the Unemployment Insurance taxes paid by the employer.
LANTEC Account Executives offer step-by-step assistance with assessing training needs and submitting applications – they are experts on the entire submission and reimbursement process! Learn more about SBET grants—and who's using SBETs — to obtain free training for your small business today!