GSA Federal Contracts
The GSA Schedules program is the premier purchasing acquisition tool in government, with approximately $50 billion a year of overall federal procurement spending. LANTEC was awarded a GSA IT Schedule 70 award in January 2012, allowing us to market our training services directly to federal agencies at pre-approved, discounted price points. In 2020, the General Services Administration consolidated several legacy schedules into one Multiple Award Schedule, in which we now participate under SINs 611420 and 611430. Through this contracting vehicle, we can position ourselves to better serve federal agencies nationwide and abroad.

Our GSA Schedule contract represents a continuing commitment to offer technical training services at best-value pre-negotiated rates. GSA schedule holders are subject to frequent auditor analysis as planning and compliance monitoring are required to ensure continued success. Some of our prominent GSA clients include: US Department of Justice, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Labor, US Department of Commerce, FEMA, and multiple armed services branches. Click to view our GSA Catalog valid through January 24, 2027.