Negotiating for Results

Negotiating for Results

2 days


Negotiating is about resolving differences. People who can master the process of negotiation find they can save time and money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes at home and at work, and earn greater respect in their communities when they understand how to negotiate well. .

Negotiating is a fundamental fact of life. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling support duties, this workshop will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate in any situation. This interactive workshop includes techniques to promote effective communication and gives you techniques for turning confrontations into problem solving.

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.

Course Objectives:

This two-day workshop teaches participants to:

  • How often we all negotiate and the benefits of good negotiation skills.
  • The importance of preparing for the negotiation process, regardless of the circumstances.
  • The various styles and their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Strategies for dealing with tough or unfair tactics.
  • Skills in developing alternatives and recognizing options.
  • Basic negotiation principles, including BATNA, WATNA, WAP, and the ZOPA.


Lesson 1: Course Overview

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.

Lesson 2: What is Negotiation?

To begin, participants will explore the different types of negotiation (including positional bargaining) and the phases of negotiation.

Lesson 3: The Successful Negotiator and Customizing Your Approach

Next, participants will explore key attributes of a successful negotiator. They will explore the differences between persuasion, influence, and manipulation. Discussion topics include pushing vs pulling, communicating with confidence, planning the conversations, and suspending their frame of reference.

Lesson 4: Getting Off on the Right Food by Preparing for Negotiation

During this session, participants will learn the elements of preparing for negotiation: identifying your fears and hot buttons; doing research into your issues and the opponent’s issues; and preparing your WAP, BATNA, WATNA, and ZOPA. They will also learn about some techniques such as building rapport, matching, mirroring, and pacing that can help them to speak persuasively. Participants will explore how to establish common ground and how to use ground rules.

Lesson 5: Preparing Documentation and Choosing the Right Place

This session will give participants some tips on preparing their documentation and choosing a favorable place/modality for the negotiation.

Lesson 6: Making the Right Impression and Presentation Strategies

Next, participants will learn the importance of self-presentation during the negotiation, including small talk, attire, first impressions, and their handshake. This session will also give participants a framework for building a persuasive presentation.

Lesson 7: Exchanging Information

This session will look at how to exchange information and what to do if the negotiation gets off to a bad start.

Lesson 8: The Bargaining Stage

Participants will learn six techniques for negotiating success. They will also have an opportunity to practice and observe these techniques through a role play.

Lesson 9: Reaching Mutual Gain

Next, participants will learn about four obstacles to mutual gain and how to turn them into negotiation advantages.

Lesson 10: Moving Beyong No

This session will look at ways to get past no and how to break an impasse, so that you can get to “yes.”

Lesson 11: Dealing with Negative Emotions

During this session, participants will explore some ways to deal with negative behaviors during a negotiation.

Lesson 12: Moving from Bargaining to Closing

Next, participants will learn how to tell when it’s time to move from the bargaining phase to the closing phase.

Lesson 13: Solution Types

This session will discuss ways to build win-win solutions, achieve a sustainable agreement, and reach consensus.

Lesson 14: Workshop Wrap-Up

At the end of the day, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action plan

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Katie Bursley, United Way of NWLA

Juan’s instruction was exemplary—especially given the dynamic nature of Microsoft Office 365 in the age of COVID. He was engaging and aware of United Way’s mission as a former United Way employee. I’m not sure who on your team matched him to our needs, but your team is to be commended. It was a great fit.