MS Power BI: Data Analysis Practitioner

MS Power BI: Data Analysis Practitioner

2 days

Course Description:

As technology progresses and becomes more interwoven with our businesses and lives, more data is collected about business and personal activities. This era of "big data" is a direct result of the popularity and growth of cloud computing, which provides an abundance of computational power and storage, allowing organizations of all sorts to capture and store data. Leveraging that data effectively can provide timely insights and competitive advantages. Creating data-backed visualizations is key for data scientists, or any professional, to explore, analyze, and report insights and trends from data. Microsoft® Power BI® software is designed for this purpose. Power BI was built to connect to a wide range of data sources, and it enables users to quickly create visualizations of connected data to gain insights, show trends, and create reports. Power BI's data connection capabilities and visualization features go far beyond those that can be found in spreadsheets, enabling users to create compelling and interactive worksheets, dashboards, and stories that bring data to life and turn data into thoughtful action.

Course Objectives:

In this course, you will analyze data with Microsoft Power BI. You will:

Analyze data with self-service BI.
Connect to data sources.
Perform data cleaning, profiling, and shaping.
Visualize data with Power BI.
Enhance data analysis by adding and customizing visual elements.
Model data with calculations.
Create interactive visualizations.


Lesson 1: Analyzing Data with Self-Service BI
Topic A: Data Analysis and Visualization for Business Intelligence
Topic B: Self-Service BI with Microsoft Power BI

Lesson 2: Connecting to Data Sources
Topic A: Create Data Connections
Topic B: Configure and Manage Data Relationships
Topic C: Save Files in Power BI

Lesson 3: Performing Data Cleaning, Profiling, and Shaping
Topic A: Clean, Transform, and Load Data with the Query Editor
Topic B: Profile Data with the Query Editor

Topic C: Shape Data with the Query Editor
Topic D: Combine and Manage Data Rows

Lesson 4: Visualizing Data with Power BI
Topic A: Create Visualizations in Power BI
Topic B: Chart Data in Power BI

Lesson 5: Enhancing Data Analysis
Topic A: Customize Visuals and Pages
Topic B: Incorporate Tooltips

Lesson 6: Modeling Data with Calculations
Topic A: Create Calculations with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
Topic B: Create Calculated Measures and Conditional Columns

Lesson 7: Creating Interactive Visualizations
Topic A: Create and Manage Data Hierarchies
Topic B: Filter and Slice Reports
Topic C: Create Dashboards

Scheduled Courses

Aug 21, 2024
Nov 14, 2024

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Techneaux Technologies, Euclide Legnon

"Really enjoyed my time at LANTEC! Everyone is really friendly. Cheryl was able to answer questions related to, and not related to, the course material."