Lantec | Course: F5 Networks Configuring BIG IP APM: Access Policy Manager

F5 Networks Configuring BIG IP APM: Access Policy Manager

3 days


This three-day course gives network administrators, network operators, and network engineers a functional understanding of BIG-IP Access Policy Manager as it is commonly deployed in both application delivery network and remote access settings. The course introduces students to BIG-IP Access Policy Manager, its configuration objects, how it commonly deployed, and how typical administrative and operational activities are performed. The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, interactive demonstrations, and discussions.

Course Objectives:

After completing this course, students should be able to meet the following course objectives:

  • Configure remote access methods Network Access, Portal Access and Application Access and understand the differences and use cases for each
  • Configure APM and LTM to work together for advanced application delivery as well as understand the APM + LTM use case versus the remote access use case
  • Configure advanced policies using the Visual Policy Editor with all of its features such as macros, branches and multiple endings
  • Understand the role of iRules and how they work together with BIG-IP in general and APM in specific
  • Understand the role of Federated Single Sign-On using SAML and deploy a basic configuration
  • Configure multiple authentication methods and understand how they can work together in a single access policy
  • Set up, license, and provision the BIG-IP system out-of-the-box
  • Create, restore from, and manage BIG-IP archives
  • Use profiles to manipulate the way the BIG-IP system processes traffic through a virtual server

This course is delivered remotely via our partnership with Sunset Learning.

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Adam Turpin, Big Buddy Program

"Courtney was absolutely amazing, helpful, and knowledgable. 10/10 amazing class."