Lantec | Course: Excel Level 3

Excel Level 3

1 days


Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide advanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions, auditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if- analysis, and macros.


Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • Module B: Formula options
  • Module C: Arrays

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • Module B: Text functions
  • Module C: Other functions

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • Module B: Exporting data

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • Module B: Running macros
  • Module C: Forms

Scheduled Courses

Apr 07, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Apr 30, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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May 29, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Jun 18, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Jun 18, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Jun 27, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Aug 04, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Aug 27, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Sep 29, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Oct 08, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Oct 29, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Nov 25, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Dec 16, 2025
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This course isn't currently on the schedule, but we can add it. Just let us know.

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Our Microsoft Excel Level 3 builds on the concepts and skills of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses to provide\nadvanced tools for solving real-world problems in Microsoft Excel: lookup and decision-making functions,\nauditing and error-handling, array functions, date and text functions, importing and exporting, what-if-\nanalysis, and macros.




Chapter 1: Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • \n

Chapter 2: Advanced Formula

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • \n
  • Module B: Formula options
  • \n
  • Module C: Arrays
  • \n

Chapter 3: Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • \n
  • Module B: Text functions
  • \n
  • Module C: Other functions
  • \n

Chapter 4: Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • \n
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • \n

Chapter 5: Analysis

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • \n
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • \n

Chapter 6: Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • \n
  • Module B: Running macros
  • \n
  • Module C: Forms
  • \n
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Rachel Broussard, Girl Scouts of Louisiana - Pines to the Gulf

"This was an unexpected surprise! A great instructor who really presented effectively. I learned a lot of useful information. The instructor was very knowledgeable and personable. One of the best classes!"