Crystal Reports Level 1
This two-day interactive workshop was designed for new users of Crystal Reports 2008 and Crystal Reports 2011. Some of the topics covered include a review of the software features, report design and the creation of presentation quality reports. The course incorporates a number of hands-on exercises to reinforce the learning process.
Lesson 1: Creating a Report
- Topic A: Starting the Crystal Reports Program
- Topic B: Starting a New Report
- Topic C: Choosing a Data Source
- Topic D: The Main Components of the Design Window
- Topic E: Exploring the Toolbars
- Topic F: Managing Resources with Explorers
- Topic G: Placing Fields on the Report
- Topic H: Selecting and Sizing Objects
- Topic I: Browsing Field Data
- Topic J: Moving and Aligning Objects
- Topic K: Using Guides and Guidelines to Move and Align Objects
- Topic L: Creating Text Objects
- Topic M: Saving the Report
- Topic N: Auto-saving the Report
- Topic O: Previewing the Report
- Topic P: Refreshing the Data
- Topic Q: Using the Status Bar
- Topic R: Getting Help
Lesson 2: Formatting Features
- Topic A: Quick Formatting with the Template Expert
- Topic B: Using the Format Painter
- Topic C: Formatting Objects
- Topic D: Inserting Lines and Boxes
- Topic E: Inserting Graphics
- Topic F: Working with the Page Commands
- Topic G: Changing Page Orientation
- Topic H: Changing Margins
- Topic I: Working with Text Objects
- Topic J: Adding Fields into a Text Object
- Topic K: Formatting Part or All of an Object
- Topic L: Inserting Special Fields
- Topic M: Challenge Exercise – Formatting Features
Lesson 3: Database Filters
- Topic A: Filtering Data with the Select Expert
- Topic B: Selecting Records with Multiple Criteria
- Topic C: Viewing and Editing the Select Formula
- Topic D: Case Sensitive vs. Case Insensitive
- Topic E: Record Selection Formula Templates
- Topic F: Challenge Exercise - Selecting Specific RecordsChallenge Exercise - Selecting a Range of Values
Lesson 4: Report Grouping
- Topic A: When and Why to Group Records
- Topic B: Creating a Group
- Topic C: Group and Sort Direction
- Topic D: Customize Group Name Field
- Topic E: Modifying Groups
- Topic F: Creating Multiple Groups in a Report
- Topic G: Using the Group Tree to Navigate the Report
- Topic H: Reordering Groups
- Topic I: Using the Sort Control
- Topic J: Summarizing Groups
- Topic K: Additional Summary Options
- Topic L: Grouping Data in Date/Time Intervals
- Topic M: Calculating Percentages
- Topic N: Ordering Groups Based on Their Subtotals Using the Group Sort Expert
- Topic O Challenge Exercise - Grouping, Sorting, Summarizing
- Topic P: Challenge Exercise - Calculating Percentages
Lesson 5: Multiple Table Joins
- Topic A: Understanding Tables, Records, and Fields
- Topic B: Learning About Linking
- Topic C: Adding Multiple Tables to a Report
- Topic D: Challenge Exercise - Using the Database Expert to Link Tables
Lesson 6: Creating Formulas
- Topic A: Understanding Crystal Formula Syntax without Being a Programmer
- Topic B: About the Formula Workshop
- Topic C: Using the Formula Workshop
- Topic D: Using the Formula Editor
- Topic E: The Formula Editor Toolbar
- Topic F: Performing Simple Number Calculations
- Topic G: Manipulating Dates with Formulas
- Topic H: Creating Boolean (True/False) Formulas
- Topic I: Creating String Formulas
- Topic J: Using Bookmarks to Navigate Through Formulas
- Topic K Challenge Exercise - Creating String Formulas Challenge
- Topic L: Exercise – Creating String Formulas
- Topic M: Challenge Exercise – Doing Calculations
- Topic N: Challenge Exercise – Subtracting Dates
- Topic O: Challenge Exercise – Using Nested If Statements
Lesson 7: Conditional Formatting
- Topic A: Formatting Sections
- Topic B: Formatting Sections Conditionally
- Topic C: Conditionally Formatting Fields
- Topic D: Challenge Exercise - Section Formatting and Conditional Formatting
- Topic E: Summary Reports and Charts
Lesson 8: Creating a Summary Report
- Topic A: Applying the Drill Down Feature
- Topic B: Applying the DrillDownGroupLevel
- Topic C: Producing Charts
- Topic D: Editing Charts
- Topic E: Formatting Charts
- Topic F: Using the Chart Options
- Topic G: Modifying Individual Objects in the Chart
- Topic H: Applying Chart Templates
- Topic I: Challenge Exercise - Creating a Summary Report
- Topic J: Challenge Exercise – Charting
Lesson 9: Exporting Reports
- Topic A: Understanding Export Formats and Destinations
- Topic B: Using a PDF Format for Crystal Reports
- Topic C: Exporting to Windows Applications
- Topic D: Exporting to a Report Definition Format
Lesson 10: Report Wizards
- Topic A: What are the Report Wizards?
- Topic B: Create a Report Using the Standard Report Creation Wizard
- Topic C: The Data Dialog Box
- Topic D: The Fields Dialog Box
- Topic E: The Grouping Dialog Box
- Topic F: The Summaries Dialog Box
- Topic G: The Group Sorting Dialog Box
- Topic H: The Chart Dialog Box
- Topic I: The Record Selection Dialog Box The Template Dialog Box
- Topic J: Challenge Exercise - Create a Report Using a Report Wizard
Lesson 11: Mapping
- Topic A: Understanding Maps
- Topic B: Map Layouts
- Topic C: Map Types
- Topic D: Formatting the Map
- Topic E: Drilling Down on Maps
- Topic F: Changing the Geographic Map
- Topic G: Using the Map Navigator
- Topic H: Changing Map Layers
- Topic I: Resolving Data Mismatches
Lesson 12: Before You Begin
- Topic A: Defining the Purpose of the Report
- Topic B: Determining the Layout of the Report
- Topic C: Finding the Data
- Topic D: Organizing the Data for the Report
- Topic E: The Workbench
Lesson 13: Setting Default and Report Options
- Topic A: Setting the Default Layout for Design and Preview Views
Lesson 14: The Northwind 2008 Database
- Topic A: A relational diagram of tables existing the Northwind 2008 database provided with the Designer 1 class files
Lesson 15: Glossary
- Topic A: A complete glossary of terms used throughout the book
Scheduled Courses
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\nThis two-day interactive workshop was designed for new users of Crystal Reports 2008 and Crystal Reports 2011. Some of the topics covered include a review\n of the software features, report design and the creation of presentation quality reports. The course incorporates a number of hands-on exercises to\n reinforce the learning process.
\nLesson 1: Creating a Report
- \n
- Topic A: Starting the Crystal Reports Program \n
- Topic B: Starting a New Report \n
- Topic C: Choosing a Data Source \n
- Topic D: The Main Components of the Design Window \n
- Topic E: Exploring the Toolbars \n
- Topic F: Managing Resources with Explorers \n
- Topic G: Placing Fields on the Report \n
- Topic H: Selecting and Sizing Objects \n
- Topic I: Browsing Field Data \n
- Topic J: Moving and Aligning Objects \n
- Topic K: Using Guides and Guidelines to Move and Align Objects \n
- Topic L: Creating Text Objects \n
- Topic M: Saving the Report \n
- Topic N: Auto-saving the Report \n
- Topic O: Previewing the Report \n
- Topic P: Refreshing the Data \n
- Topic Q: Using the Status Bar \n
- Topic R: Getting Help \n
Lesson 2: Formatting Features
\n- \n
- Topic A: Quick Formatting with the Template Expert \n
- Topic B: Using the Format Painter \n
- Topic C: Formatting Objects \n
- Topic D: Inserting Lines and Boxes \n
- Topic E: Inserting Graphics \n
- Topic F: Working with the Page Commands \n
- Topic G: Changing Page Orientation \n
- Topic H: Changing Margins \n
- Topic I: Working with Text Objects \n
- Topic J: Adding Fields into a Text Object \n
- Topic K: Formatting Part or All of an Object \n
- Topic L: Inserting Special Fields \n
- Topic M: Challenge Exercise – Formatting Features \n
Lesson 3: Database Filters
\n- \n
- Topic A: Filtering Data with the Select Expert \n
- Topic B: Selecting Records with Multiple Criteria \n
- Topic C: Viewing and Editing the Select Formula \n
- Topic D: Case Sensitive vs. Case Insensitive \n
- Topic E: Record Selection Formula Templates \n
- Topic F: Challenge Exercise - Selecting Specific RecordsChallenge Exercise - Selecting a Range of Values \n
Lesson 4: Report Grouping
\n- \n
- Topic A: When and Why to Group Records \n
- Topic B: Creating a Group \n
- Topic C: Group and Sort Direction \n
- Topic D: Customize Group Name Field \n
- Topic E: Modifying Groups \n
- Topic F: Creating Multiple Groups in a Report \n
- Topic G: Using the Group Tree to Navigate the Report \n
- Topic H: Reordering Groups \n
- Topic I: Using the Sort Control \n
- Topic J: Summarizing Groups \n
- Topic K: Additional Summary Options \n
- Topic L: Grouping Data in Date/Time Intervals \n
- Topic M: Calculating Percentages \n
- Topic N: Ordering Groups Based on Their Subtotals Using the Group Sort Expert \n
- Topic O Challenge Exercise - Grouping, Sorting, Summarizing \n
- Topic P: Challenge Exercise - Calculating Percentages \n
Lesson 5: Multiple Table Joins
\n- \n
- Topic A: Understanding Tables, Records, and Fields \n
- Topic B: Learning About Linking \n
- Topic C: Adding Multiple Tables to a Report \n
- Topic D: Challenge Exercise - Using the Database Expert to Link Tables \n
Lesson 6: Creating Formulas
\n- \n
- Topic A: Understanding Crystal Formula Syntax without Being a Programmer \n
- Topic B: About the Formula Workshop \n
- Topic C: Using the Formula Workshop \n
- Topic D: Using the Formula Editor \n
- Topic E: The Formula Editor Toolbar \n
- Topic F: Performing Simple Number Calculations \n
- Topic G: Manipulating Dates with Formulas \n
- Topic H: Creating Boolean (True/False) Formulas \n
- Topic I: Creating String Formulas \n
- Topic J: Using Bookmarks to Navigate Through Formulas \n
- Topic K Challenge Exercise - Creating String Formulas Challenge \n
- Topic L: Exercise – Creating String Formulas \n
- Topic M: Challenge Exercise – Doing Calculations \n
- Topic N: Challenge Exercise – Subtracting Dates \n
- Topic O: Challenge Exercise – Using Nested If Statements \n
Lesson 7: Conditional Formatting
\n- \n
- Topic A: Formatting Sections \n
- Topic B: Formatting Sections Conditionally \n
- Topic C: Conditionally Formatting Fields \n
- Topic D: Challenge Exercise - Section Formatting and Conditional Formatting \n
- Topic E: Summary Reports and Charts \n
Lesson 8: Creating a Summary Report
\n- \n
- Topic A: Applying the Drill Down Feature \n
- Topic B: Applying the DrillDownGroupLevel \n
- Topic C: Producing Charts \n
- Topic D: Editing Charts \n
- Topic E: Formatting Charts \n
- Topic F: Using the Chart Options \n
- Topic G: Modifying Individual Objects in the Chart \n
- Topic H: Applying Chart Templates \n
- Topic I: Challenge Exercise - Creating a Summary Report \n
- Topic J: Challenge Exercise – Charting \n
Lesson 9: Exporting Reports
\n- \n
- Topic A: Understanding Export Formats and Destinations \n
- Topic B: Using a PDF Format for Crystal Reports \n
- Topic C: Exporting to Windows Applications \n
- Topic D: Exporting to a Report Definition Format \n
Lesson 10: Report Wizards
\n- \n
- Topic A: What are the Report Wizards? \n
- Topic B: Create a Report Using the Standard Report Creation Wizard \n
- Topic C: The Data Dialog Box \n
- Topic D: The Fields Dialog Box \n
- Topic E: The Grouping Dialog Box \n
- Topic F: The Summaries Dialog Box \n
- Topic G: The Group Sorting Dialog Box \n
- Topic H: The Chart Dialog Box \n
- Topic I: The Record Selection Dialog Box The Template Dialog Box \n
- Topic J: Challenge Exercise - Create a Report Using a Report Wizard \n
Lesson 11: Mapping
\n- \n
- Topic A: Understanding Maps \n
- Topic B: Map Layouts \n
- Topic C: Map Types \n
- Topic D: Formatting the Map \n
- Topic E: Drilling Down on Maps \n
- Topic F: Changing the Geographic Map \n
- Topic G: Using the Map Navigator \n
- Topic H: Changing Map Layers \n
- Topic I: Resolving Data Mismatches \n
Lesson 12: Before You Begin
\n- \n
- Topic A: Defining the Purpose of the Report \n
- Topic B: Determining the Layout of the Report \n
- Topic C: Finding the Data \n
- Topic D: Organizing the Data for the Report \n
- Topic E: The Workbench \n
Lesson 13: Setting Default and Report Options
\n- \n
- Topic A: Setting the Default Layout for Design and Preview Views \n
Lesson 14: The Northwind 2008 Database
\n- \n
- Topic A: A relational diagram of tables existing the Northwind 2008 database provided with the Designer 1 class files \n
Lesson 15: Glossary
\n- \n
- Topic A: A complete glossary of terms used throughout the book \n